Christmas decoration ideas from natural materials

Do you know that feeling when you start decorating your house for Christmas and you think you want something new? New color to use, new materials to choose from, are there enough decorations? And you start surfing the net for ideas and it takes forever to finally make a decision. 

When a thought like that comes through my mind, I remember my childhood. We had a box with all the garlands and toys for the Christmas tree that my mom used to have when she was a child, and we'd use the same decorations every single year. And you know what? We actually had fun during the process of adding that holiday spirit to the house. 

Nowadays people have way too many options and offers. Every single year the malls have a big department for Christmas decorations only and it is hard to actually choose something worthy.

For the past couple of years, I have this tradition - to get one new toy for the tree or decoration for the house and to use as many natural materials as I can find for that purpose. And it turns out, it isn't such a difficult task after all. Dried fruits, cinnamon sticks, pine cones, wooden slices, twigs, branches, logs, etc.  - plenty of choices.

As I was searching for decoration ideas myself, I thought it would be nice to share my favorites with you. You don't necessarily have to spend a fortune on decorations just because everyone else does. 


Photo by Jasmin Schuler on Unsplash

The Christmas wreath has been my favorite decoration since I've discovered it a decade ago. For some reason, we didn't have such a tradition when I was a kid. I only found out about such a beautiful idea when I got into university and started to learn English. Ever since then, every year I'd look for inspiration and ideas on how to make a wreath myself. 

There are so many different ways to DIY a beautiful decoration for your front door and any other door in the house. I like to use natural materials for a beautiful wreath that will spread that unique feeling when you see it. I've gathered a collection of my favorite wreaths to make myself, or with the family. 

Photo by Erwan Hesry on Unsplash



Photo by Nguyen Dang Hoang Nhu on Unsplash

Christmas Tree ornaments


Dried fruits - apples and oranges

Cinnamon sticks

Are you decorating your home for the holidays? What's your favorite part of the process? Let's share ideas and traditions. Come in the comments. Merry Christmas!!!

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